Who to Contact
Budget Analysis and Planning
Amber Blakeslee, Associate Vice Chancellor
Budget and Resource Management (Budget Office)
Jackie Brummett, Interim Director
Data Management Services
Jessica Duffy, Director
Type of inquiry |
Contact |
Academic planning, policy & faculty support |
see Academic Affairs site |
Benefit rates, funding |
Budget planning process & strategy |
Jackie Brummett |
Budget policy, operations, revenue allocation and survey data |
Campus assessments (Admin Recharge, BTP, ITTP, IU) |
Capital project allocation and budget transfer |
Central funding commitments- academic divisions (including faculty start-up, academic funding models, course materials, Masters Incentive Program) |
Central funding commitments- non-academic divisions |
Chart of Accounts (creating/editing org codes) |
Interlocation Transfers of Funds (ITFs) |
Course fees |
FMW training and general questions |
Porfirio Buendia or see DataMgmt site |
Indirect Cost Rate (facilities & administrative costs recovery) |
Infoview reporting or training |
see DataMgmt site |
Institutional data for planning |
see IRAPS site |
Interlocation Transfer of FUnds (ITFs) |
Miscellaneous fees |
Multiyear Financial Planning |
Crystal Pan |
Permanent budget or staffing list |
Recharge rates |
Salary and benefit budget planning |
Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) allocation and assessment |
Student fees |
Training classes |
Transfers of Funds FIS certification (XTOF) and cross program transfers |
TOF-trainer-group@ucsc.edu |
NOT SURE who to contact? |
ask-bap-group@ucsc.edu |
Budget Analysis and Planning
Amber Blakeslee, Associate Vice Chancellor
Budget and Resource Management (Budget Office)
Jackie Brummett, Interim Director
Data Management Services
Jessica Duffy, Director