- .htaccess
- ss1.jpg
- ss2.jpg
- ucscrevexp.jpg
- ucscrevexp2.jpg
- Best Practices & Expectations
- process.pdf
- 11182020-banana-slug-cl-001-3.jpg
- UCSC Operating Budget 2019-20
- stip-earnings-policy.pdf
- Site Map
- dwh-is-down.jpg
- About
- Planning & Budget
- robots.txt
- Resources & Services
- website-training-and-resource-directory-listing.xlsx
- Chart of Accounts
- Program Assessment
- qualexam-examplereport.doc
- critthinking-examplereport.doc
- grad-rubric-templates.xlsx
- ugrad-rubric-templates.xls
- Annual PLO Report
- Rubric Examples
- PLO List by Program
- annual-plo-report-format-2014.pdf
- assessment-guidelines-2013.pdf
- multiyearassesstemplate.xls
- currmatrixtemplate.xls
- Program Assessment
- 2014 Assessment Symposium
- Forms
- Policies
- Policies
- Planning
- Annual Budget Process
- Annual Budget Calendar
- Budget & Resource Management
- Who to Contact
- Allocations and Funding Models
- ucsc-fa-agreement-2023.pdf
- FY24 Non-Rep Equity Award Mitigation Request
- university-of-california---santa-cruz-components-fye-2019.pdf
- icr-image.png
- icr.jpg
- FY22 Non-Rep Equity Award Mitigation Request (Updated)
- FY23 Non-Rep Equity Award Mitigation Request
- tos-policy-academic-7-1-22.pdf
- FY22 Non-Rep Equity Award Mitigation Request
- Turnover Savings
- turnover-savings-policy1.pdf
- Allocations and Funding Models
- Block Allocation for Staff Salary Increases
- Indirect Cost Recovery
- Masters Incentive Program
- Non-Rep Equity Mitigation for Extramural Awards
- masters-incentive-program-description,baselines.1-8-14.pdf
- Summer Revenue Share
- Turnover Savings Policy
- Chart of Accounts and Fund Transfers
- Guidelines, Systems and Training
- ucsc-financial-deficit-policy3.pdf
- ucsc-financial-deficit-policy2.pdf
- Deficit Resolution Plan Sample
- ucsc-financial-deficit-policy.pdf
- Frequently Asked Questions
- budget-pools.jpg
- Resource Directory
- UCSC Admin Responsibilities Guide
- ucsc-financial-deficit-policy.pdf
- deficit-resolution-plan-sample.docx
- Guidelines, Systems and Training
- Carry-forward and Year-End balances Guidelines
- Financial Deficit Policy
- Information System Tools
- Training Resources
- Rates and Assessments
- 7-28-23-huerta-mural-cl-008.jpg
- ucsc-stip-interest-distribution-policy.pdf
- ucsc-stip-interest-distribution-policy-eff-7.1.23.pdf
- benefits-decentralization-faq.pdf
- Interest Income Distribution
- miscfee-attachment1-2023-24-pdf.pdf
- Administration & Service Assessments
- index
- Benefit Pool Funding Update
- Composite Benefit Rates Assessments
- Composite Benefit Rate (CBR)
- Facilities & Administrative Costs Recovery
- Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees
- Miscellaneous Fee List 2024-25
- Miscellaneous Fee List 2024-25
- Course Fee List 2024-25
- Miscellaneous Fee List 2024-25
- course-fees-attachment-1-2024-25.pdf
- 2024-25_miscellaneous_fees_training.pdf
- 2024-25_course_fee_training.pdf
- miscfee-attachment-3-instructions.pdf
- miscfee-attachment-2-instructions.pdf
- miscfee_attachment-9.xlsx
- miscfee_attachment-2-through-9_2024-25.xlsx
- miscfee_attachment1_2024-25.doc
- miscfee_attachment1-2024-25.pdf
- course-fees_attachment3_2024-25-fy2022-23.xls
- course-fees-attachment2_2024_25.xlsx
- course-fees_attachment1_2024-25.docx
- Course Fees 2023-24
- Miscellaneous Fees 2023-24
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022-23-updated-12-22.pdf
- miscfee_attachment-9.xlsx
- miscfee_attachment1-2023-24.doc
- course-fees-attachment1-2023-24.docx
- miscfee-attachment-2-through-9-2023-24.xlsx
- course-fees-attachment3-2023-24-fy2021-22.xls
- course-fees-attachment2_2023_24.xlsx
- 2023-24-miscellaneous-fee-training.pdf
- 2023-24-course-fee-training.pdf
- miscfee-attachment9-instructions.pdf
- miscFee-attachment2-instructions.pdf
- course-fees-attachment1-2023-24.docx
- course-fee-attachment-1-2023-24.pdf
- miscfee-attachment2-instructions.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022-23-updated-11-22.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.pdf
- course-fees-list-2022_23.pdf
- miscellaneous-fees-list-2022_23.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.v2.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2021_22updated3.3.22.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2021_22updated4.25.22.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2021_22updated4.25.22.pdf
- course-fees-list-2021_22updated.pdf
- 2022-23_miscellaneous-fees_training.pdf
- 2022-23_course-fees_training.pdf
- coursefees_guidelines_establishment-and-budgetary-review.pdf
- miscfee_budgetaryreview.pdf
- course-fees-list-2021_22updated.pdf
- miscellaneous-fee-list-2022_23.pdf
- Approved Course Fee Reassessment
- Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees
- Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees Guides
- Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee
- Archive
- Recharge Rates
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-8.1.24.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list-updated-2.8.23.pdf
- 2023-24-approved-recharge-rate-list-final.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-6.28.24.pdf
- recharge-call-letter-24-25.pdf
- recharge-call-2024-25-instructions.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-7.3.24.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-7.10.24-updated.pdf
- direct-costing-committee-review.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-7.22.24.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-7.24.24.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list-updated-3.16.23.pdf
- 2023-24-approved-recharge-rate-list-final.pdf
- 2024-25-approved-recharge-rate-list-7.29.24.pdf
- Recharge FAQ
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list-updated-1.4.23.pdf
- recharge-call-2022-23-instructions.doc
- recharge-call-2022-23-instructions.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list.pdf
- 2021-22-approved-recharge-rates.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list.pdf
- 2022-23-approved-recharge-rate-list.pdf
- recharge-rate-call-letter.pdf
- recharge-call-2023-24-instructions.pdf
- Definition of Equipment for Depreciation
- Direct Costing Committee Review
- Recharge Policies
- Recharge Rates
- Archive
- negative-stip-charges
- stip-earnings-policy
- Vacation Leave Accrual (VLA)
- UCRP Supplemental Assessment Interest (RPNI)
- General Automobile and Employee Liability (GAEL)
- Composite Benefit Rates Tables
- CBR Mitigation for Extramural Awards
- Reports and Overviews
- the-university-budget-2024-25.pdf
- the-university-budget-2024-25.pdf
- the-university-budget-2023-24.pdf
- Federal HEERF Awards
- UCSC Economic Impact 2019
- Economic Impact
- Reports and Overviews
- Birds Eye View
- Campus Budget and Fund Sources
- UCSC Campus Resources Summary
- The University Budget
- Archive
- Non-Rep Equity Mitigation for Extramural Awards
- Planning
- News & Events
- Planning
- 2019-20_campus_ops_budget.pdf
- Annual Budget Calendar
- Budget & Resource Management
- Who to Contact
- Allocations and Funding Models
- Operations: Forms and Training
- Reports and Overviews
- Policy and Procedures
- Annual Budget Calendar
- Benefit Pool Funding Participation
- Composite Benefit Rate (CBR)
- Composite Benefit Rates Tables
- Carry-forward and Year-End balances Guidelines
- CBR Mitigation for Extramural Awards
- Facilities & Administrative Costs Recovery
- General Automobile and Employee Liability (GAEL)
- Policy and Procedures
- Negative-stip-charges.pdf
- UCRP Supplemental Assessment Interest (RPNI)
- UCPath Composite Benefit Rates Assessment
- Vacation Leave Accrual (VLA)