Who to Contact
Type of inquiry |
Contact |
Academic planning, policy & faculty support |
see Academic Affairs site |
Benefit rates, funding |
Budget planning process & strategy |
Budget policy, operations, revenue allocation and survey data |
Campus assessments (Admin Recharge, BTP, ITTP, IU) |
Capital project allocation and budget transfer |
Central funding commitments- academic divisions (including faculty start-up, academic funding models, course materials, Masters Incentive Program) |
Central funding commitments- non-academic divisions |
Chart of Accounts (creating/editing org codes) |
Interlocation Transfers of Funds (ITFs) |
Course fees |
FMW training and general questions |
Porfirio Buendia or see DataMgmt site |
Indirect Cost Rate (facilities & administrative costs recovery) |
Infoview reporting or training |
see DataMgmt site |
Institutional data for planning |
see IRAPS site |
Interlocation Transfer of FUnds (ITFs) |
Miscellaneous fees |
Multiyear Financial Planning |
Crystal Pan |
Permanent budget or staffing list |
Recharge rates |
Salary and benefit budget planning |
Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) allocation and assessment |
Student fees |
Training classes |
Transfers of Funds FIS certification (XTOF) and cross program transfers |
TOF-trainer-group@ucsc.edu |
NOT SURE who to contact? |
ask-bap-group@ucsc.edu |