Guidelines, Systems and Training
A guide for UC Santa Cruz employees with administrative or financial management responsibilities, including Principal Officers, Principal Investigators, Unit Heads, Financial Managers, etc.
A glossary of budget language used in the framework letters and annual budget process
This document informs major fund categories by fund groups (core and non-core). It also specifies fund qualities and other fund characteristics.
This document sets forth guidance to all campus units and fund managers regarding responsible accumulation and management of fiscal year-end balances carried forward to the next fiscal years, to ensure resources are being used in a timely and effective manner.
The campus's financial deficit policy sets forth requirements for local actions to be taken to prevent or resolve deficits.
This list of frequently asked questions is periodically expanded to include new questions related to budget, financial management, transfer rules, FOAPALs and various related topics.
Various information systems and reporting tools are available to help campus units track, manage and plan their financial resources and commitments.
Use this alphabetical listing by topic to access available guides and training courses.
The System-wide Budget Manual is a summary of policies, guidelines, and general information used by the University of California Office of the President and the ten UC campuses regarding the budget process, particularly as it applies to the University’s core funds. The Manual was developed to ensure that system-wide policies are well understood and consistently applied. Individual campuses have their own policies and practices that supplement those summarized in the manual.