Allocations and Funding Models

Budget and Resource Management is involved in the planning, implementation and annual management of campus-wide allocations and funding models: 

This documentation details the policies and procedures that govern Indirect Cost Recovery. Indirect Cost Recovery Funds are monies received by the university in reimbursement for services rendered in support of grants and contracts.

This page describes the Masters Incentive Program, a tuition and non-resident tuition revenue-sharing funding model for academic masters programs and academic divisions.

This page details the process for requesting central cost-share dollars for existing and proposed extramural contracts or grants to help defray cost increases associated with the three-year compensation equity program for non-represented staff that began in FY22.

This page describes the history and methodology of the Summer Session Revenue Share distribution to academic divisions and departments.

This document outlines the long standing policy governing the permanent funds retained by the division after faculty turnover.