Rates and Assessments

The Budget Office provides several important information sources detailing UCSC Rates and Assessments.

These resources include:

UCSC has established a handful of assessments to distribute shared centralized administration and service costs across funding streams and campus units.  For more information on these assessments, please email ask-bap-group@ucsc.edu

This page provides updated information about how the campus will be budgeting for benefits. 

These pages provide rate information for UCSC's Composite Benefit Rates (CBR) that became effective January 1, 2020.

This page summarizes the process for establishing Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates, including the role of the space survey in this process.

Chancellors are delegated authority for miscellaneous student fees, services charges, fines, course fees and deposits. Miscellaneous Fees are generally user fees, service charges, or fines assessed to cover the cost of services and materials, to encourage compliance with administrative rules or to repair or replace damaged equipment.

Campus units that receive part or their entire operating budget from recharge income are required to establish recharge rates in accordance with applicable University and federal policies. As part of the annual budget process, recharge units are required to submit for review and approval information regarding their projected costs and recharge rates for the upcoming year.

This document provides an update to the UC Santa Cruz policy for distributing interest income from campus investments and applies to all campus units.

This document provides an overview of interest charges on negative balances.