
Economic Contributions Report
On a periodic basis (since 1979), UC Santa Cruz has analyzed its economic impact on the local economy.  In 2005, the campus commissioned Bay Area Economics to validate and update the methodology for analyzing both the direct expenditures of the University and its students and employees and the total level of economic activity that such spending creates in the Santa Cruz County economy.

The bottom line:  An analysis of 2004-05 expenditures by the campus and its employees and students shows that UC Santa Cruz contributes $960 million in economic activity within Santa Cruz County which creates over 9,500 additional jobs for local residents.

Table of Contents

Read the Full Report

The 2004-05 economic contributions report, as well as a companion piece, is is available for viewing at campus libraries or can be accessed online.

  • (PDF) Economic Contributions to the Santa Cruz Region (April 2006).  An overview of how 2004-05 expenditures by the UC Santa Cruz campus and its employees and students have contributed to the economic health of the regional economy.

  • (PDF) Beyond Economic Contributions (April 2006).  An overview of how the students, faculty, staff, and graduates of the UC Santa Cruz campus contribute to the vitality of the region.