Administration & Service Assessments
Auxiliary Assessment (a.k.a. Administrative Recharge)
What does the assessment support:
The auxiliary assessment supports a wide range of units providing campuswide central administrative services and support services. Accounting, Budget Analysis and Planning (BAP), the Chancellor’s and CP/EVC’s Offices, Information Technology Services (ITS), Staff Human Resources (SHR), and University Police are some of the units providing the services that this assessment support.
Who pays assessment:
Auxiliary units such as Housing and Dining (within CHES), the Bookstore, and Transportation and Parking Services (TAPs) are assessed for their estimated share of the central services provided on their behalf. These units’ auxiliary funds are recharged on a quarterly basis and the credits generated offset previous spending on state funds by the central administrative and support services units.
Business Transformation Process (BTP) Assessment
What/which units does the assessment support:
The BTP assessment is a stable source of funding for consolidated services that were previously provided within individual divisions. This includes certain services provided by Accounting, the Campus Controller, ITS, Procurement, and SHR.
Who pays assessment:
Core-funded divisions made permanently budgeted contributions to BTP in 2006, resulting in the diversion of future inflationary dollars for BTP cost growth. Units that did not make permanent contributions—primarily auxiliary and recharge units—pay assessments on a quarterly basis, which are increased for inflationary cost growth as needed. Units assessed quarterly include those listed in the auxiliary assessment section above, as well as Athletics and Recreation, Student Health Center, University Extension, and others.
Information Technology Transformation Process (ITTP) Assessment
What/which units does the assessment support:
Similar to the BTP assessment, the ITTP assessment funds services that had formerly been separately managed within individual campus divisions. However, the ITTP assessment funds a narrower scope of services, specifically centralized services managed by the ITS division.
Who pays assessment:
As with BTP, core-funded divisions made permanently budgeted contributions to ITTP in 2006 and the subsequent inflationary funding associated with the contributed funds has covered ITTP cost growth, while self-supporting auxiliary and recharge units pay quarterly, inflation-adjusted assessments. The ITTP funding arrangements were set forth in individual agreements between ITS and the other campus divisions, leading to differences for some units between how they cover the BTP assessment and how (and if) they cover the ITTP assessment.
Information User (IU) Assessment
What/which services does the assessment support:
The IU assessment covers the cost of some central IT infrastructure and certain broadly used IT services. These are services managed by the ITS division that most employees use for work on a regular basis, such as network, telephone, e-mail, web, security, and Zoom conferencing.
Who pays assessment:
All campus departments pay this assessment as a monthly charge based on the number of weighted FTE they employed during the previous fiscal year (based a snapshot taken in January). FTE are weighted according to how much certain population groups use IT services. For additional information, please visit the ITS Division’s Information User (IU) Assessment page.