Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees

Chancellors are delegated authority for miscellaneous student fees, services charges, fines, course fees and deposits. Miscellaneous Fees are generally user fees, service charges, or fines assessed to cover the cost of services and materials, to encourage compliance with administrative rules or to repair or replace damaged equipment.

2024-25 Miscellaneous & Course Fee Lists

March 17, 2021 Update:

Important Announcement Regarding Course Fees Effective Academic Year 2021-22

Information for Units

Additional information, including requirements, worksheets for fee establishment as well as updates to reporting requirements, are available on the Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees Guide page.

Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee

The Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee is made up of a group of campus stakeholders and is charged to review fees that apply to students, faculty, or staff for services.

More information about the Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee, including membership and specific duties, may be found on the Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee page.

Miscellaneous & Course Fee Process and Approved Fee Schedule

The annual Miscellaneous & Course Fees Call Letter provides an overview of criteria for new fees, deadlines for fee submission and contact information for assistance in formulating new fees.

More Resources

Course Fee Training Materials 

Miscellaneous Fee Training Materials

Contact information

For assistance or more information about miscellaneous fees and course fees, please contact:

Lisa Bishop (libishop@ucsc.edu)


Fee schedules are archived for previous years as a planning aid to administrators but should not be treated as authoritative guides to future fee schedules.

Go to the Archive